Our Statement of Faith
The Bible Chapel in Virginia, Minnesota stands firmly on the Word of God
- the Bible and its truths about the Lord Jesus Christ and man’s need
of His atoning death for redemption.
Those meeting at the Virginia Bible Chapel are non-denominational and follow the example of the early Church that met together for teaching, for fellowship, for breaking of bread (The Lord’s Supper), and for prayer.(Acts 2:42).
We have no enrolled membership. Church membership requires nothing more than being saved by God (Acts 2:47)
All who know the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Savior are members of the true Church, the Body of Christ. Those who are sound in life and doctrine are welcome to fellowship with us. We are known by biblical names such as believers (Acts 5:14), Christians (Acts 11:26), saints (Phil. 1:1), and brethren(Acts 20:32).
Those meeting at the Virginia Bible Chapel are non-denominational and follow the example of the early Church that met together for teaching, for fellowship, for breaking of bread (The Lord’s Supper), and for prayer.(Acts 2:42).
We have no enrolled membership. Church membership requires nothing more than being saved by God (Acts 2:47)
All who know the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Savior are members of the true Church, the Body of Christ. Those who are sound in life and doctrine are welcome to fellowship with us. We are known by biblical names such as believers (Acts 5:14), Christians (Acts 11:26), saints (Phil. 1:1), and brethren(Acts 20:32).
We Also Believe: